Thursday, 23 September 2010

Analyzing Film Openings- Zombieland

For this task we have been asked to analyze a film opening, I have chosen zombieland.
My first impressions are that the movie is an action, however after a minuet or so you soon realize that it is a comedy horror.
throughout the whole first section of this opening there is a voice over from the main character, telling you about what has happened and what his rules are for survieing are.
First I am going to talk about that camera angles/shots and what affect they give on the film and on the viewer:
The opening shot is of the American flag for this they use a close up angle, however you soon realise that it is a handheld camera; this gives the effect that you are in the movie as the character and that what is happening in the scene is happening to you.
The next angle is pan which is also closely followed by whip pan, this is when the camera moves across the screen. They used pan when they want a close shot however they also want to show the audience the whole scene; In this film it shows you America after the disease hit. The whip pan is used when the character abruptly turns the camera back to the original position when a zombie appears on the screen. Whip pan startles the viewer, which in a way sets the viewer up for the shock of the zombie.
Next as the zombie attacks the character the hand held camera falls out of their hand and with that there is an extreme close up of the zombie as he leans in to take a curious look at the camera. With this you get full view of the face and what a zombie looks like it also gives the audience a creepy feeling as the zombie is looking straight into the viewers eyes.
The next shot is a fast enigma which is also going backwards as the actor is running forwards, an enigma shot gives a element of

The next shot is a crane shot however it is not static as it comes over the top of the bathroom door, this give the illustion that you are going where ever the character is going, in this case where ever the zombie is going.
There is a long shot which is followed by a slowmotion shot so you the viewer can get the full sense and view of what is going on. I think that they put it in slow motion so that the viewer can see all the action and to give it a sense of mystery.

Monday, 20 September 2010

City Scape

For this task I have created a sequence using different clips from across London, to make this video I used premiere pro by Adobe.
I imported existing clips of London into the clips bank.
I used the cut/razor tool to cut sections out of the clips, I could also move the cut clip to different places in the video to creates a different mood.
To unlink the clip from its sound we used the unlink button so we could delete the existing music and superimpose other music which we imported in.
We added animation e.g. Dissolve to link the clips in a more flowing way.
To change the length/timing of the clip you could also change the speed of which the clip goes fore using the timing button and changing the percentage, to make it quicker you have to put up the percentage, to make the clip slower put the percentage down.
Overall I think all the techniques that I learnt and used on this video have created an end result that I am pleased with.
If I did this task again I think I would make the video the same length as the music as I had to cut the music down to size to fit in with my clips.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Six Picture Sequance

For this task we were sent away in pairs with a camera and we had to create a six picture sequence which told a story. I choose to do someone going to the toilet.

Trainspotting Moodboard

We looked at the opening of the film Trainspotting and were instructed to make a mood board on what we just watched.