Monday, 29 November 2010


Final Pitch

My final pitch will be of a girl getting dropped off by her boy friend by a shortcut to her house, the boy is worried as she is alone. She convinces him that she will be okay and if she gets in trouble she will call him.

Things take a turn for the worse as she starts to hear noises and starts to get spooked as she feels like she is getting followed, She tries to give the boy a call but there is no signal, she carries on trying not to think about it and walking faster.

The camera will move to look at the bushes just to see to eyes open up and follow the girl as she walks past...The screen will go black and you will hear a scream, as the title comes up in an erie way.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Movie Pitches

Movie opening idea 1:
my first idea will be a scary film about a man who lives in a cabin which is in the woods. he prays and stalks young woman, eventually killing them.It would start of with the girl walking in to and through the woods, she is scared as it is dark but keeps walking. The camera will turn to a tree standing by the area she just walked from and a pair of eyes will open, the screen will go blank and you will hear a woman screaming, in this opening it is not clear if the woman you just saw was the one screaming or another, this will create mystery so the audience will want to keep watching. After the scream the title will appear with a kind of mist and eeriness about it. I have not decided if there will be voice over or not yet.
This movie opening is very dark and almost disturbed.

Movie opening idea 2:
For this idea I would have to film outside of school. For this film i got my inspiration from Fast and Furious, i would go to a car meet for this as this is a place where everybody goes to 'show off' their cars. it would mainly just be filming of the cars at different angles and the crowds that turn up, there will probably be a voice over telling the story. I hope to have the title by the road and have a car drive into it.

Preliminary Task

This is our  Preliminary task for this we had to include 3 shots: Shot reverse Shot, match on action and the 180° rule.
Our film is about two people having a conversation at a restaurant and then another person comes in that is friends with them but they have forgotten to invite her and they are trying to hide and avoid her.
We Decided to start with the 180° rule, so we had Jodie and Joe start with a conversation that two friends might have when they go out for dinner, next we added the match-on-action as I came through the door. Last but not least was the shot-reverse-shot, we decided to use this as the were discussing what to do to avoid me, the friend who was not invited.

We filmed all of our shots in the dark room at school, we added tables to form a makeshift café.

We had 3 hours to film however we also got time to edit it in those 3 hours. There was not much editing involved with this task as it was quick. I think if we were to redo this task I would film it in the restaurant down stairs to make it more believable.

Storyboard-Preliminary Task